Sunday 25 May 2014

skater boy

Made this boy's card today,
background look like lego bricks,
crafters companion  skateboard boy stamp,
coloured stamp using spectrum noir pens.

Sunday 30 March 2014

Thursday 13 March 2014

pop up card.


I decided to have a play today, measured and cut out the pop up box card.

Stamped out a load of boy type images.

I then started colouring all the images using my spectrum noir pens.
This is my finished pop up box card.

Wednesday 5 March 2014


Amy was elected as a Trustee in 2012.  Amy has experience of working with and advocating for young people with a learning disability locally, nationally and internationally.

What being a trustee of Learning Disability Wales means to me

"I have learning difficulties and I am currently a trustee for Learning Disability Wales. I have worked with many people with learning disabilities over a considerable time and have gained a lot of knowledge and experience.
"When I applied to be a trustee, I knew it would be a lot of hard work as I have never done this role before and knew it would be a challenge but I really wanted to be a part of this. When I first attended trustee meetings I found it difficult, but with support I am able to have more understanding of discussions and how Learning Disability Wales runs.
"I am currently volunteering in a craft shop gaining experience of retail procedures and also meeting a variety of people. I also volunteer with other organisations. In my spare time I like to design and make cards and crafts and attend many craft fairs."

Monday 3 March 2014


Made these Birthday cards this afternoon

new home

I started going to a card class at a local craft shop this morning. 
We had a choice of 2 designs birthday or new home, I choice the new home one.
I have not made one of these before, really enjoyed making this.