Wednesday 5 March 2014


Amy was elected as a Trustee in 2012.  Amy has experience of working with and advocating for young people with a learning disability locally, nationally and internationally.

What being a trustee of Learning Disability Wales means to me

"I have learning difficulties and I am currently a trustee for Learning Disability Wales. I have worked with many people with learning disabilities over a considerable time and have gained a lot of knowledge and experience.
"When I applied to be a trustee, I knew it would be a lot of hard work as I have never done this role before and knew it would be a challenge but I really wanted to be a part of this. When I first attended trustee meetings I found it difficult, but with support I am able to have more understanding of discussions and how Learning Disability Wales runs.
"I am currently volunteering in a craft shop gaining experience of retail procedures and also meeting a variety of people. I also volunteer with other organisations. In my spare time I like to design and make cards and crafts and attend many craft fairs."

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